xeno.glyphpress.com is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A home for roleplayers, experimental musicians, hackers, and other weirdo artists. A project by Joshua A.C. Newman of the glyphpress

Server stats:

active users

Joshua A.C. Newman

Welcome new followers! This is exciting!

You might have followed me for music hacker stuff (youtube.com/joshuaacnewman), in which case you should also know I’m an RPG designer! (glyphpress.com/talk/shop)

Or maybe you followed me because of my game design, in which case you should know I do all sorts of spec fic art in addition to games! (Patreon.com/Joshua)

Or maybe you followed me because of my art & you now know I’m an alt educator! (patreon.com/PunkPedagogy)